Monday, June 12, 2017

Day 171 - You Read To Me and I Read To You! - Mrs. Hoyt - Pine Glen Kindergarten

This post first appeared on Mrs. Hoyt's Blog

A day that starts with dancing is going to be great!
We are a community of readers!  Our Friday started with a room full of guest readers!  Parents, community leaders, teachers from other classes and school administrators kindly agreed to meet and read with us.  Like any polite kindergarten, hosts would do we invited them to get comfortable by introducing themselves.  Of course, we then invited them to dance with us!   All of our visitors were great sports as we worked our wiggles out.

Students then broke off into partner groups to read.  The student and the adult each had books in hand and took turns reading.  Some kindergartners could not help themselves and offered to read the books the adults brought as well!

After awhile we switched partners and read with other friends!

We ended our visit as we end many of our activities....with more smiles and dancing!  Everyone joined in the adventure dance of Going On A Bear Hunt and then we said goodbye with high fives and hugs!

 After our guests departed we reflected on how fun it can be to read with different people and in different places.  Students utilized our writing time to make a list of all the great places we hope to read this summer!

We can read in a box, we can read in a bed, we can read at Nana's and at our friends!

We can read while we are camping or at the ice-cream shop.  We can read in the bathtub or in mom and dad's bed!

We can read at the library and on the couch.  We can read in the car or on an airplane.

Our list is inventive and extensive!  Mrs. Hoyt and Ms. Miliano look forward to learning about the great books everyone is reading in all the wonderful locations!  Remember to share with all your room 103 friends by submitting photos and writing to the summer blog!

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